What will kill a Deal of a sale after a Home Inspection?
Buyers hire Home Inspectors to perform an inspection before buying a property. This is to make sure that the home they are buying has no potential deal killers. This can refer to huge issues like a bad foundation, the presence of LEAD or Radon, that the seller is legally bound to tell the buyer.
Home inspections are very detailed inspections. Some sellers have their property inspected first before putting it on the market. The reason for this is so the owner can repair the home of any issues. Most issues are minor and can be easily fixed. On the other hand, there are also deal-killers that both buyers and sellers need to be aware of.
A preliminary inspection is an advantage for a property seller so he/she can be better prepared when it comes to negotiation. Below are some deal killers that buyers can be on the watch for and need to address with the property seller beforehand.
Pest / Bug Infestation
During a pest inspection, an inspector checks the exterior and interior of your property for any signs of infestation, damage, or areas that are attractive to pests. They’re going to inspect every single point they can access. It’s not so much evidence of the insects themselves but the environment that those insects might want to be in.”
A Termite Infestation Map, originally developed by the U.S. Forest Service and a reference for companies such as Orkin, shows that subterranean termites are a problem practically nationwide.

The pest infestation problem is easy to address however since there are specialists who can use various methods to eradicate pests.
Wiring Problems/ Electrical Issues
Your home’s electrical system is a vital component of protecting your family—and anyone who buys your home. Electrical distribution or lighting equipment in the home remains the 4th leading cause of home fires, according to the National Fire Prevention Association.
To address this, a licensed electrician can fix your property’s electrical system so safer materials, such as copper, electrical wiring, and panels are used.
Roof Problems
A roof inspection constitutes one of the four points of the “Four Point Inspection” amongst HVAC, electrical wiring and panels, and plumbing connections. Homes older than 25 years older are required to get the inspection done.
The roof protects the structure. If there are water leaks, it could lead to problems in the interior of your property. This can be extremely costly to fix. It is important to pick a solid roofing material for durability for a long-lasting roof.
Foundation Issues
Your foundation is literally responsible for holding your home/building upright. A foundation issue requires a lot of money to resolve not to mention it also takes a considerable time to repair. You cannot simply ignore problems related to the foundation since this can be dangerous to the resident, and cause destruction to the home.
Presence of Radon
You cannot see, smell, or taste radon. But it still may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General of the United States has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.
Lead Paint
The lead–based paint disclosure form is a required form to be issued to all tenants and potential buyers for residential properties built before 1978. The paint specifically was outlawed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission at that time (16 CFR 1303) due to the hazard it poses when it chips.
Bad Pipes/ Plumbing Problems
A bad plumbing system can cause extreme damage since water damage is inevitable. It is important to know the signs and check for stains found below sinks, roofs, toilets, and any source of water. The use of moister meters and observation can typically identify these areas. Old pipes are also prone to leak, the older they become the worse they get. It is vital therefore to address plumbing issues and repair or replace old pipes to avoid headaches.
Mold is a health hazard and when it is present on your property, it can lead to ailments, especially for those who have weak immune systems, and respiratory issues. Mold often occurs in damp, dark, and moist areas. These problems can be remediated by a mold specialist.
The End of the Story…
These are just some of the deal breakers that might block buyers from a property purchase or renting a unit. However, all of these items can be fixed by a professional contractor. For the buyer, this can be a leeway to renegotiate the price of the property. You can also ask the property owner to resolve the issues first before you will invest in the purchase.