Online Education?

Online written and video courses are perfect for educating and improving the competence of home Inspectors / Contractors and providing options for their Continuing Education, wheater Live Webinar (LW) or Recorded Webinars (RW)
Cost: Online courses are inexpensive or free. The more education, the better inspector. No travel expenses either!
Accessibe: 24 / 7
Professional Instructors: Not only do you get the knowledge of Professional Instructors but have easier access to other experts.
Pictures, Audio, and Video: Online courses contain pictures and videos that permit the instructor to virtually accompany the inspectors of many actual homes, buildings, structures, and various components.
Courses are Self-Paced: You typically can move fast or at a slower pace. Most online courses allow you to work on the courses for months.
Repeat: Online courses permit you to take the course over again. In contrast, classroom courses are typically taken only once.
Advanced and Specialty Courses: It is financially feasible to offer advanced courses online. An online course needs to be developed only once, yet it can run for years. (Examples: Thermography, How to Pass on FAA Exam for flying a drone, or Proper settings for your camera for documentation photos)
In summary, online courses allow Inspectors/Contractors to study and learn at little or at no cost, without having to travel and without lost time. With well-developed, accurate courses taught by experts, using updated course material, photos, and videos, on their own schedule, with the ability to review and repeat, they will end up with a thorough understanding of the chosen topic.