Ground Pin Up or Ground Pin Down?
There is an age-old debate about whether an electrical outlet should be mounted with the ground pin up or down. Unfortunately, there is not a fully accepted answer. However, it is commonly accepted that the National Electrical Code (NEC) of the United States (NFPA 70), does not provide any specific direction for the orientation of the outlet. We recommend checking local codes to make sure there aren’t any local code requirements.

Some theories about the orientation of an outlet:
- The outlet should be oriented with the ground pin up because if the plug comes slightly loose and a metal object were to fall from above, the ground plug, which usually does not carry current, would deflect the object so that it would not hit is live prongs. It is accepted that this idea began in health care facilities where many tools used for patient care are metal. The story goes that hospitals were wired by union electricians and as the unions grew the practice spread to other types of buildings.
- The outlet should be oriented with the ground pin up because this pin is longer and the plastic around the plug is meatier, so it will help to keep the plug inserted in the outlet.
- The outlet should be oriented with the ground pin down because a person grabbing the outlet will have their index finger at the bottom side of the plug and the index finger sticks out further than the thumb. Having the ground down will keep a person’s index finger from touching the live pins.
- The outlet should be oriented with the ground pin down because many common household items such as nightlights, timers, and battery chargers are oriented with the ground pin down. In addition, GFCI outlets, which have text on the reset and test buttons, are oriented with the ground pin down (and the text readable).
A quick internet search provides comments that easily debunk any of these theories. The most basic answer is that it truly doesn’t matter which way your outlets are oriented. Select the strategy that best works for you. Of course, you should check with an electrical engineer or electrician to confirm there isn’t any special local code that differs from NFPA 70.