EPA Refresher Course

On February 10, 2016, the Administrator signed a final rule to make several revisions to the RRP and Lead-based Paint Activities Programs. The revisions will improve the day-to-day function of the programs by reducing burdens to industry and EPA, and clarifying language for training providers.

First, EPA modified the requirement that the renovator refresher training course have a hands-on component under the RRP program. Under the final rule, Renovators can take a refresher course without the hands-on training every other time they get certified. A course without hands-on training can be taken completely online. Renovators who take the online training will be certified for three years; renovators who take the hands-on training will be certified for five years. Modifying the hands-on requirement would give renovators easier access to trainings saving them time and money and possibly resulting in a higher number of renovators taking the refresher course.

 Second, the Agency removed jurisdictions under the abatement program. Eliminating jurisdictions will lower burden and costs for applicants because they will send fewer applications and pay less in fees. Third, EPA added clarifying language to the requirements for training providers under both the RRP and abatement programs. Adding language to clarify what constitutes a violation would make the regulations consistent with other lead-based paint program regulations. This does not change any requirements for training providers.

 You can find information about the rule and a pre-publication copy of the Federal Register notice on EPA’s Lead Program website at www.epa.gov/lead.

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