Domain name is the name used for the site or the sites, which has to be bought by the user to enable him to create his own existence in the world of internet. Registering a domain name is very important since it plays a vital role in popularizing the site thus ranking high in search engine. Actually, all computers connected to the internet, have their own distinguishing identity, say, a sequence of letters, which is known to be the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the particular site. Generally the IP addresses are so made that they are easy to remember and also that helps the site to rank high, comparatively to other such domain names. To register domains, the Domain Name System helps, and also helps in having a distinct identity.
Absolutely all site, irrespective of their kind and purposes they serve, they need to have their own registered domain name. Domain name is the string of letters which can be the personal web address too. These Domain names are usually related to the name of the business, school, and college, matrimonial, whatever it is related to.
It is very important to a very different and distinguishing name to make it all the more different from the domains already existing. Peculiar yet catchy names make the domain more attractive and memorable, which actually helps the clients to remember the sites and thus bringing in more business. It is important to be ready with a dozen more names at the time of registration of the domain since their may be domains with the same names already existing. So it’s better to be ready with few more names just in case the most preferred name already exists.
The sole organization, responsible for maintaining and coordinating the entire domain name system is called ICAAN. What is necessary for registering a domain name is that, the domain name registrar has to be an ICAAN accredited registrar.
The basic steps needed to be followed for registering a domain name for the site are as follows-
a) A domain name has to be decided upon, which has to be very precise and indicating to the site. A list of names has to be made according to the preference, just in case the domain name matches to an already existing web address. The top level domain also needs to be considered, it is the extension of the site, like .com. it’s a very important thing since it affects the popularity of the site and the price that has to be paid for that.
b) The next thing to be done is that to obtain an IP address, this is actually the identity of the server.
c) For registering the domain name, the registrar has to be paid. He is usually paid through credit cards.
d) For acquiring a domain name, it has to be applied for. It can be done through web hosting company or an accredited domain registrar.