Blower Door Testing is Almost Here

Florida blower door Testing / Training

blower doorThe Florida Legislature has delayed the effective date of certain sections of the Florida Building Code, 5th edition until June 30, 2017. (
The included sections are:
a. R402.4.1.2 of the Energy Volume relating to mandatory blower door testing for residential buildings;
b. 403.6.1 of the Building Volume requiring a second fire service access elevator; and
c. R303.4 of the Residential Volume requiring mechanical ventilation for residential buildings.

When the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Version 5 adopted mandatory air infiltration testing (ie, blower door testing) for new construction homes and residential units, enforcement authorities sought greater clarification on who qualified as an “approved entity” to do the testing.

Sections R402.4.1.2 and R104.5 indicate that a Florida blower door test must be done by an approved third party Energy Auditor or Energy Rater. Both titles require certification – either from the Building Performance Institute (BPI) or Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) – to qualify.

Builders, HVAC technicians, and other home performance professionals equally wondered how exactly they should go about acquiring the blower door testing skills and certification to comply with code.

Florida Building Code Binding Interpretation Report Number 134

Florida Building Code Binding Interpretation Report Number 134

Date: 04/26/2017
Report: 134
Edition: 2014? Fifth Edition
Sections: 454.; 454.; 454.


Whether a section of a public pool?s open-type perimeter overflow gutter which abuts the top of the pool’s entry stairs, is subject to the Florida Building Code?s gutter specifications or stairs specifications.


For health and sanitary reasons, the Department of Health has required a perimeter overflow gutter system for public pools for over 30 years without incident and without having to fully comply with the specific stair specifications found in Section 454. of the Florida Building Code. The addition of the stair specifications Code as they relate to public swimming pools were added to Chapter 4 of the Florida Building Code in 2002 without being properly coordinated with the gutter system requirements when creating the state unified building code. The next edition of the Florida Building Code (6th Edition) has been amended to clarify the language in the Code, by adding an exception from the stairs requirement where a gutter is used as a top step in a pool stair. The exception states:? Where a gutter is used as top step, the gutter’s 2″ slope from lip to the drain shall be continuous for the full length of the stairs, and the riser from the gutter to the next tread need not be uniform with the remaining risers and treads.   


A public pool’s open-type perimeter overflow gutter which abuts the top of the pool’s entry stairs, is subject to the Florida Building Code’s gutter specifications and not the stairs specifications except where the gutter is used as the top step, the tile on the gutter for the width of the steps shall be slip resistant. ____________________________________________________________


The Building Officials Association of Florida, in cooperation with the Florida Building Commission, and the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation provides this interpretation of the Florida Building Code in the interest of consistency in the application of the Building Code statewide. This interpretation is binding and not subject to acceptance and approval by the local building official.

Firms that require LEAD RRP Certification

In general, anyone who is paid to perform work that disturbs paint in housing and child-occupied facilities built before 1978 (Dec. 31, 1977 and back) must be certified.  This includes all firms, even sole proprietorships.

Examples of the types of firms covered:

  • Residential rental property owners/managers
  • General contractors
  • Special trade contractors, including
    • Painters
    • Plumbers
    • Drywall
    • Carpenters
    • Window Installers
    • Electricians

Firms can’t advertise or perform renovation activities covered by the regulation in homes or child-occupied facilities, even though they are certified renovators, built before 1978 without firm certification.

The PCLB, is it going away?

Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board plays fast and loose with disciplinary process

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State lawmakers call to abolish the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board

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For 44 years, the Pinellas County Construction Licensing Board has regulated contractors without any government oversight. That could end soon. Today, state and local leaders said they want the Florida Legislature to abolish the licensing board and fold the work under county government, like other similar boards in the state. The calls follow a Tampa Bay Times investigation that detailed the fast and loose approach of how the board handles complaints against contractors. The Times also found that homeowners feel cheated, ignored and even stonewalled. Contractors feel the same way and some believe the board targets anyone who speaks out

New Exemptions

As of July 1, 2016, section 489.103, F.S. is amended to add a new exemption for apartment community employees or apartment management company employees. The employees are exempted from contractor licensing requirements when they are performing minor repairs to existing electric water heaters, electric heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems when the repair costs do not exceed $1,000.00 and are not the functional equivalent of replacing the system. Employees are required to have one year of apartment maintenance experience and hold an apartment maintenance technician’s certificate from the National Apartment Association (NAA) to qualify for the exemption. The NAA certification course must be accredited by the American National Standards Institute and consists of a 90 hour training course covering identified topics and completion of examination requirements. The exemption only applies to employees of apartment communities of 100 apartments or greater and does not prohibit local jurisdictions from creating local license requirements for the performance of such work.

Who is on the CILB?

The Construction Industry Licensing Board consists of 18 members: 4 general contractors, 3 building or residential contractors (with at least 1 building contractor and 1 residential contractor), 1 sheet metal contractor, 1 pool contractor, 1 plumbing contractor, 2 building officials of a municipality or county, 1 roofing contractor, 1 air conditioning contractor, 1 mechanical contractor, 1 underground utility and excavation contractor and 2 consumer members.

Now all they have to do is get along and agree…

EPA Refresher Course

On February 10, 2016, the Administrator signed a final rule to make several revisions to the RRP and Lead-based Paint Activities Programs. The revisions will improve the day-to-day function of the programs by reducing burdens to industry and EPA, and clarifying language for training providers.

First, EPA modified the requirement that the renovator refresher training course have a hands-on component under the RRP program. Under the final rule, Renovators can take a refresher course without the hands-on training every other time they get certified. A course without hands-on training can be taken completely online. Renovators who take the online training will be certified for three years; renovators who take the hands-on training will be certified for five years. Modifying the hands-on requirement would give renovators easier access to trainings saving them time and money and possibly resulting in a higher number of renovators taking the refresher course.

 Second, the Agency removed jurisdictions under the abatement program. Eliminating jurisdictions will lower burden and costs for applicants because they will send fewer applications and pay less in fees. Third, EPA added clarifying language to the requirements for training providers under both the RRP and abatement programs. Adding language to clarify what constitutes a violation would make the regulations consistent with other lead-based paint program regulations. This does not change any requirements for training providers.

 You can find information about the rule and a pre-publication copy of the Federal Register notice on EPA’s Lead Program website at

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